Concrete Restoration
For Companies Around
the South

Concrete solutions for your business. Let us make your floors shine. Contact us today for an initial consultation.

Concrete Restoration Specialists

Roberts Commercial Flooring specializes in concrete restoration services for commercial and industrial properties. Our team of experienced professionals is equipped to handle all types of concrete repair and restoration projects which include:

Concrete Resurfacing

Concrete resurfacing is a cost-effective way to give old, worn out concrete a fresh new look. Our team uses high-quality materials and advanced techniques to repair and resurface concrete surfaces, resulting in a smooth and durable finish.

Light Concrete Grinding

Light concrete grinding is a way to return old concrete floors to clean concrete floors. We accomplish this by using a carbide or diamond floor grinder that eliminates thin layers of buildup and adhesives. It maintains the existing surface while eroding away any traces of glue or debris. We recommend using the floor grinder across the entire floor to ensure a level surface and to provide a comprehensive job.

Concrete Sealing

Concrete sealing is a vital step in protecting and preserving concrete surfaces. Our team uses state-of-the-art sealers to protect concrete from water, oil, and other contaminants, as well as UV rays, which can cause discoloration and fading.

At Roberts Commercial Flooring, we understand the importance of timely and efficient service, which is why we work closely with our clients to minimize disruptions to their daily operations.

Industries We Work With

Roberts Commercial Flooring is a leading provider of concrete restoration services for a variety of industries. Our team of experts has the skills and experience to handle any concrete restoration project, no matter how big or small. The industries we work with include:


In the healthcare industry, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment. We provide concrete restoration services that are designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, spills and stains, and the constant cleaning and sanitizing required in a healthcare facility. We use specialized coatings and sealers that are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your healthcare facility stays looking great for years to come.


In the education sector, we provide concrete restoration services that are designed to enhance the aesthetic of your school or university while also improving its durability. We can provide polished concrete floors for classrooms, hallways and common areas that are both beautiful and functional. We also offer concrete staining and resurfacing services that can give your school a fresh, modern look.

Assisted Living

In assisted living and senior living facilities, we understand the importance of providing a safe and comfortable environment for residents. We provide concrete restoration services that are designed to improve the durability and slip resistance of floors in these facilities. Our team can also help to improve the aesthetic of common areas such as lobbies and dining rooms with our concrete staining and polishing services.

Fitness Clubs

Fitness clubs and gyms need durable floors that can withstand the constant wear and tear of heavy exercise equipment and foot traffic. We provide concrete restoration services that are designed to improve the durability and appearance of floors in these facilities. We can also provide specialized coatings and sealers that can improve slip resistance making your gym safer for your members.

Light Industrial

For light industrial facilities, we offer heavy-duty concrete restoration services that can withstand the wear and tear of heavy machinery and equipment. We use specialized coatings and sealers that can withstand harsh chemicals, high temperatures, and heavy loads. Our team of experts can also provide concrete repair and patching services to ensure that your facility’s floors are in top condition.

If you’re in need of concrete restoration services for your facility, contact Roberts Commercial Flooring today for a free consultation and estimate. Our team of experts are ready to help you revitalize your concrete surfaces and bring them back to life.

Call 678-765-7450

Call 678-765-7450

Why Choose Roberts Commercial Flooring?

Roberts Commercial Flooring is a leading provider of concrete restoration services for commercial and industrial properties. With years of experience in the industry and a team of highly skilled professionals, we are well-equipped to handle any concrete restoration project, no matter the size or complexity. The reasons to choose us include:


We use only the highest-quality materials and the latest techniques to ensure that your floors look and perform their best for years to come. Our team is also highly experienced in working with a variety of different concrete types and finishes, so you can trust that we will choose the right solution for your specific needs.

Wide Range of Services

Roberts Commercial Flooring also offers a wide range of services. Whether you need a simple repair or a complete restoration, we have the expertise and equipment to handle it all. We can repair and resurface existing floors, install new floors, and even perform specialized services such as diamond grinding, polishing, and epoxy coating.

Competitive Pricing

We understand that cost is a major concern for many commercial and industrial properties, and we are committed to providing our customers with the best value for their money. We will work closely with you to develop a customized plan that fits your budget and your needs.

Licensed, Insured & Bonded

We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded, and we take great pride in our reputation for excellent customer service. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and provide you with updates throughout the project.

Roberts Commercial Flooring is a great choice for anyone in need of concrete restoration services that is second to none. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you improve the look and function of your concrete floors.

Our Service Area

For nearly three decades, we’ve worked with contractors all around the South to help with all aspects of flooring projects. Based in Atlanta Georgia, we have happy contractors throughout Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia.
Whenever you need help with a flooring project, contact our staff and let us show you what customer service looks like.

Hours: Monday - Friday 7AM - 4PM | Weekends - Closed

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Call 678-765-7450